
Click here to watch a YouTube video from CBS News about chiropractic treatment and headaches

Headaches are one of the most common conditions that prompts patients to utilize chiropractic care. There are many different types of headaches. The chiropractors of Club West Chiropractic in Blaine, MN have had great success in treating patients with headaches.
Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common headaches and have the best outcomes when it comes to chiropractic treatment. A tension headache is caused by muscle tension in the neck and upper back referring pain to the base of the skull and around the side of the head. Patients have described the pain as a vice like pain starting at the base of the skull and wrapping around to the front. Tension headaches are a result of poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle. So many of the jobs in today’s society require us to hunch over a computer screen, which interferes with posture and can cause tension to build up. Chiropractic adjustments have been found to be very therapeutic in the treatment of tension headaches. The chiropractors at Club West Chiropractic in Blaine, MN also use a muscle technique known as active release technique, which relieves the tension in the muscles and reduces pain. Other therapies are also used in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments such as electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and physical rehabilitation.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common headaches and have the best outcomes when it comes to chiropractic treatment. A tension headache is caused by muscle tension in the neck and upper back referring pain to the base of the skull and around the side of the head. Patients have described the pain as a vice like pain starting at the base of the skull and wrapping around to the front. Tension headaches are a result of poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle. So many of the jobs in today’s society require us to hunch over a computer screen, which interferes with posture and can cause tension to build up. Chiropractic adjustments have been found to be very therapeutic in the treatment of tension headaches. The chiropractors at Club West Chiropractic in Blaine, MN also use a muscle technique known as active release technique, which relieves the tension in the muscles and reduces pain. Other therapies are also used in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments such as electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and physical rehabilitation.


Migraines are definitely the most talked about headache because they can be so disabling. Migraines can put you out of commission for hours or even days. The chiropractors in Blaine, MN at Club West Chiropractic are trained to detect, diagnose and treat patients suffering from migraine headaches.

Signs and symptoms of migraines

The signs and symptoms of migraines include unilateral throbbing, stabbing, sharp pain usually located behind the eye or temple. Patients have reported pain switching from side to side. Some patients experience pre-migraine symptoms know as an aura. An aura can include symptoms such as visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, sensitivities to light, sound, and smells.

What causes migraines?

Migraines are a product of many factors such as genetics, vertebral subluxation, hormone imbalances, and more. You are born with your genes. Chiropractors can’t change your genetic code, but they can help with the other two. Our Blaine chiropractors specialize in treating vertebral subluxations. A vertebral subluxation refers to a joint that has slipped out of alignment, altering normal range of motion and function. When the vertebrae slips out of alignment it can put pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that run along side the joint. Pressure on blood vessels can alter blood flow to the brain resulting in vascular headaches known as migraines. Migraines may also be the result of hormone imbalances. Many women have reported having migraines around the time of their menstrual cycle. Hormones associated with the menstrual cycle can alter blood flow and can cause headaches if they are not balanced.

Diagnosis and natural treatment for migraine headaches

Migraines are classified as a vascular headache. Patients who experience an aura before their migraine hits are diagnosed with a classic migraine, and those who do not experience an aura are diagnosed with a common migraine. The treatment for both types of migraines are very similar. The chiropractor will examine your spine, especially focusing on the upper vertebrae in the neck, noting altered ranges of motion, pain, and tenderness. The most common treatment used by chiropractors is a chiropractic adjustment. The adjustment aligns the joint and takes pressure off of the blood vessels and nerves. This allows normal blood flow back to the brain, and decreases severity and frequency of migraine headaches. Other therapies are also used to speed up the healing process such as heat/ice, electrical muscles stimulation, physical rehabilitation, graston, and kinesiotape. If hormone imbalances are suspected then blood work is required, and natural supplementation is recommended to correct the imbalances.

Mixed Headache

A mixed headache is classified as a headache that has characteristics of both a migraine and a tension headache.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are the rarest and most painful headaches. They most commonly occur in men who smoke cigarettes. Signs and symptoms include one sided sharp pain behind the eye or side of the head. Patients have described the pain as “a hot poker being jabbed through the eye all the way to the brain.” The headache got its name because the patient usually experiences a cluster of headaches followed by a remission period. The headaches can last for several weeks. The remission period can last for months or even years. Cluster headaches are classified as a neurological headache. Chiropractors specialize in the treatment of spinal and neurological conditions. A thorough neurological exam will be performed and treatment consists of chiropractic adjustments and therapies.

Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches are very common during allergy season and the cold winter months. Sinus congestion and sinus headaches can be caused by the flu, a fever, colds, allergies, and more. Chiropractic adjustments have been very successful in the treatment of sinus headaches. The chiropractic adjustment relieves pressure in the sinuses allowing them to drain. Our Blaine chiropractors are also trained to use specific acupressure points, which help drain the sinuses. Sustained pressure is applied to specific sinus points, although quite uncomfortable during the process, instant relief is usually noticed by the patient after the procedure.
Your trusted chiropractor in Blaine, MN, Dr.Ryan, has treated many patients with all types of headaches, and seen great results. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how chiropractic can help you with your headaches. 763-400-4940