Acupuncture for Prenatal and Postpartum In Blaine MN
At Club West Chiropractic in Blaine, you will find you acupuncturist has done extensive training in Chinese Medicine as well as chiropractic to give you the best well rounded treatment and healthiest experience during your pregnancy.
We offer treatments using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which include acupuncture, cupping, supplementation, dietary changes, moxibustion, and more. Through these treatments we are able to balance the energy pathways in your body.
Opening, stimulating, and replenishing these pathways helps support a healthy pregnancy and decreases aches, pains, and other pregnancy related discomfort.
What We Treat During Pregnancy Through Acupuncture.
- Morning sickness
- Heartburn
- Swelling in the legs
- Constipation
- Sciatica
- Insomnia
- Flip breech baby- greater success when webster technique (chiropractic adjustment) is done with TCM
- Labor promotion
What We Treat Postpartum Through Acupuncture.
- Postpartum depression and anxiety
- Increase milk supply
- Helps replenish blood loss
- Insomnia and fatigue
- Hemorrhoids