Acupuncture for Infertility In Blaine MN
Are you having troubles with infertility or would like to prepare your body for pregnancy? Club West Chiropractic in Blaine MN can help you through Acupuncture.
Our acupuncturists have done extensive training in Chinese Medicine in order to deliver expert care in all stages of your family building experience. At Club West Chiropractic offer support for couples and individuals by providing female and male infertility treatments. By stimulating the energy systems within the body, qi (our life force energy) is able to flow freely. As the energy is unclogged in certain channels and replenished in others the body, mind, and spirit are able to prepare for conception, pregnancy, and birth. At Club West Chiropractic in Blaine, we deliver expert care in acupuncture and chiropractic through all stages of your reproductive journey.
A trained acupuncturist helps encourage a healthy pregnancy through a combination of holistic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques which includes acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, dietary changes, supplementation, movement, and chiropractic. At Club West Chiropractic we focus on natural fertility without the use of drugs or surgery. We have helped many couples conceive using acupuncture and chiropractic. We also collaborate with and treat many individuals and couples that decide to use TCM as well as IUI, IVF or other western approaches. Through this combination we have seen miracles happen!
**It is your responsibility to call your health insurance to see if acupuncture is a covered service through your plan.
Specific Conditions Related To Infertility That We Treat With Acupuncture.
- Hormonal imbalances
- Irregular or absence of ovulation
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Increase ART success (IUI, IVF, ICSI)
How Acupuncture For Infertility Can Help.
- Improves chances of conceiving naturally and IVF success
- Prepare the body for pregnancy