Can Chiropractic Help Treat Asthma?
First of all lets talk about what causes asthma. There are many triggers that causes asthma such as cold air, increased respiratory rate caused by exercise, allergens, and more. The only real treatment would be to take away the triggers, but since that is unrealistic we have to treat the symptoms instead of the actual disease. What are the most common symptoms associated with asthma?
- Tight neck muscles
- Headaches caused by sinus congestion
- Mid-back pain from coughing and wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing/Wheezing/Sneezing
- Tightness of the chest
- Increased mucus
There are two main treatment options, preventative and emergency treatments. You should speak with your medical doctor, and be sure you have emergency medication in case an uncontrollable attack may occur. Chiropractic would fall under the preventative and maintenance treatment. Chiropractors are spinal specialists and are trained to treat neuomuscloskeletal diseases. Tight neck muscles caused by the inability to breathe normally can cause discomfort. The neck muscles most often affected be asthma are the scalene muscles on the front of the neck. These muscles are accessory breathing muscles, and are only used in a normal person during forced breathing. In an asthma patient however, these muscles are used daily just for normal breathing. Trigger points arise and can be very tender. Check for yourself, press on just above your collar bones. If these muscles are sore there are muscle techniques used at Club West Chiropractic to relax the scalenes, and retrain normal breathing. The most popular muscle techniques used are active release technique and trigger point therapy.
Chiropractors also treat sinus headaches associates with asthma. Do you notice that you constantly have a nasal drip, or that your head is always congested? Chiropractors are trained to treat such symptoms using chiropractic adjustments and pressure points. There are certain pressure points that have been used for years to relieve sinus pressure. Our Club West Chiropractors are also very knowledgeable in nutrition, and can offer nutritional advice to help decrease mucus production as well. For instance, dairy products have been proven to increase mucus production, and should be avoided by asthma patients at all costs. There are other supplements that should be taken daily by all asthma patients, the most important being a high quality probiotic. Probiotics increase immunity and help prevent illness such as upper respiratory infections To learn more about probiotics and other nutritional supplements click here.
Chiropractors can also treat mid-back pain and tightness caused by coughing and wheezing. Chiropractic adjustments are the most commonly used treatment for mid-back pain. Adjusting the mid-back also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which helps open airways.
Click here to book an appointment with one of our Blaine Chiropractors! Or call today! 763-400-4940