How a Chiropractor Can Help With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common repetitive stress injuries. For people who are experiencing CTS will feel pain and distress. In most cases, repetitive use of the hands and wrists is the cause of a carpal tunnel syndrome, but there are several contributing factors that can increase the possibility of a person developing CTS or can make the symptoms more severe.
The physiological cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is irritation to the median nerve. The median nerve runs down the arm and then it passes into the hand through the carpal tunnel. If this nerve gets compressed, pinched or irritated, it results in the symptoms associated with CTS.
The most common symptom of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is pain in the hands or arm. Along with pain, carpal tunnel syndrome can also result in weakness, a lack of ability to grip or use the hands, numbness and tingling. In some cases, the symptoms may be persistent, and in other cases, the symptoms will only be noticeable when the person is using their hands or wrists.
In severe cases, a doctor may recommend release surgery to give the nerve more room. This can be a successful option, but in most cases, the patient will begin to experience the symptoms again in a year or two.
For many Carpal Tunnel Syndrome injuries, non-surgical treatments are a good option. Bracing and splinting is one of the most common options for treating CTS. By immobilizing the wrist, you can take pressure off the nerve and this can help to reduce inflammation. Generally, the patient will wear the brace when they sleep and possibly during certain activities in the day.
You also have different types of exercises that can help with carpal tunnel syndrome. You can rehabilitate the muscles and tendons in the arms with specific exercises, and you also have exercises that can help the nerves to move more freely as you bend your joints. These are called nerve gliding exercises, and they can be very effective for treating carpal tunnel syndrome.
In some cases, one of the contributing factors can be irritation or compression to the nerve further up the arm or possibly in the shoulder or near the spine. If this is the case, chiropractic adjustments can be a good treatment for reducing pain and restoring proper function to the nerve. This could include adjustments to the shoulder or adjustments in the upper back or neck.
Chiropractic care can be a good option for people that are suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If the condition is caught early, your chiropractor can help you to heal, and you could avoid the need for surgery. To treat your CTS, a chiropractor would probably employ adjustments, the use of massage and they may recommend exercises or a wrist brace.