Trigger Point Therapy In Blaine, MN
Trigger points are diagnosed and treated when a patient presents with painful “knots” in a muscle. These knots are described by some as taut or ropey nodules within the muscle belly. When pressure is applied to the trigger point often times it is very tender. The pain may stay local or it may radiate to other areas of the body. There are often times trigger point patterns along the kinetic chain. Your doctor will address your trigger points of concern, but he/she may also look to other areas associated with the trigger point patterns. There are many treatment options offered at Cub West Chiropractic to treat trigger points such as:
Trigger Point Therapy
When myofascial pressure is applied to the tender point it is referred to as trigger point therapy. Trigger point therapy should always be administered by a health care professional, as the pressure and the duration of treatment varies from patient to patient. If the treatment is not done long enough there will be very little lasting effects of the treatment. If the treatment is performed too hard or too long on the other hand the tissue may become bruised, inflamed, or permanently damaged.
It is also very important, following trigger point therapy (TPT) that the muscle does not go back into a shortened state. The goal of TPT is to lengthen the muscle, so if the TPT is not followed by a uniquely designed physical rehabilitation plan then your trigger points will most likely come back following the treatment. Your Club West Chiropractor will teach you the proper stretches and exercises to do, to prevent future trigger points.
Other treatments for trigger points include:
pulsed ultrasound therapy
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Active Release Technique
and more.
Give us a call today to book a FREE 10 minute trigger point therapy session with one of our doctors.